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Mental Illness – 2MFM helps end the stigma & raise awareness

Written by on 14 October 2014

The Muslim Community Radio, 2MFM was proud to play a momentous part in helping to deliver the message and raise awareness about mental illness during Mental Health Month. 2MFM attended a special briefing session hosted on the 13th of October in NSW Parliament by Minister for Citizenship and Communities, Victor Dominello. A host of mental health services specifically tailored to the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities across NSW were outlined by Minister for Mental Health Jai Rowell. 

Mr Rowell said the NSW Government was committed to supporting a range of programs which helped to better engage people from migrant backgrounds who may be less inclined to access the mental health services provided in NSW.

Although the issue of mental illness is essential to address year round, doing so during Mental Health Month offers a time for people to come together and exhibit the passion and strength of those working to improve the lives of multicultural communities affected by mental illness.

The Muslim Community Radio recognizes the importance of providing accessible information to the multicultural public concerning mental illness and is therefore continuously committed to raising mental health awareness to end stigma and generate more supportive communities. 

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